Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here's a short description of one of my major characters:

Yue ZhiYan

YanYan had been born right before adoptions were opened to foreign countries. She had been older than most couples wanted at two. She had seen many babies and some older kids leave with their new MaMa and BaBa. Having a limp and being older must have been enough to deter most parents. Last month on her birthday the director had made her pose for updated photos for the adoption center. YanYan did not hold much hope as they were the fourth set of photos they had sent. How she wanted a family of her own, but that was a dream that she kept hidden. It was something she only thought of late at night . At night she would dream of her new family. Her mother would be tall and thin and Asian and have a huge extended family of cousins. Her dad would be blonde and tall and very wealthy and they would never want for anything. They would have great dinners with six courses. She would have a room to herself and never have to share a bed with anyone that wet the bed. An Mei was always wetting the bed at night and waking up YanYan and LiLi in the process. It wasn’t on purpose but the bedwetting was just one more thing that brought reality back into focus. It never failed to remind YanYan that she was still in the orphanage. There was nothing like smelly, soggy bedclothes on a cold night to remind you that dreams were just fragile thoughts that floated away when faced with cold wet reality.

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